Thursday, July 19, 2012

Fasting month is comming...

Another 2 days to go. Yup, I am eager to fast. Well, I gain so much weight after several months consuming carbo without stop. It's really my fault but sometimes, heart wants what the heart wants. Some may say that is the poorest excuse they never take but I agree with minority, eating before you lost the ability to eat. Am I right? If you say Yes, then I believe your weight probably same with mine (or more...sorry just joking)...

I perceive fasting is a very good way to express our gratitude to Allah. Plus, it also balance your body's condition from other forms of disease. This is fact that should be pondered. Some might interpret this as detox. I personally say this is cleansing not only physical but all aspect of life from the past sins. Hopefully, this coming Ramadhan brings you barakah and prosper...Amin..Happy Fasting!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Why I Choose IPhone?

I have to admit, iPhone is cool gadget that I own now. Yup, you can tell others that I'm outdated and lame but trust me, this phone is considerably value to me. Why I say so? Probably my budget is tight, and the only 'expensive' things that I could but with this limited budget is iPhone...but one thing for sure, the exclusivity of its apps make me attract to this phone so much. Some might say that android way too better that apps store but for me, android is not 'exclusive' to one phone like iPhone. I agree that most of the apps in apps store is not free but that is the price that the users need to pay for its exclusivity (I guess!)...anyway, care to share you thought on this. See you on the next entry...


PS: Click here for more information on apps

Sunday, March 25, 2012

New Thing In 30's

Salam and good morning to all. Same as usual. No activities on weekends. No invitation, no lunch appointment and worst, nobody want to accompany me for movie!. Although awkward, it pretty normal for single people like me. Not begging for sympathy, perhaps understanding. Yup, single in 30 is new lifestyle now!..most of my friends faced the same dilemma not being in relationship. But who am I to determine their life as well as my life. I pray everyday and seek Allah's help in getting 'plus one'. I am sure, my request will soon been answered..Amin..but for now, as normal people, searching is suitable way to find 'mate'. The aid of technology makes dating or meeting new people kind of fun. Diversity is the key but always exercise cautious. Not all people nice nowadays. Taking advantage in chicken cloth, could easily deceive others. Make own judgement when befriended with new people. Just my 2 cents. Happy weekend and have fun!  

Monday, February 6, 2012

Maulid Nabi Junjungan Kita..

Selamat Menyambut Hari KePuteraan Rasul Junjungan Kita, Nabi Muhammad S.A.W. Semoga kita dapat mempraktikkan apa yang di tinggalkan oleh beliau dan selalu berpegang teguh dengan ajaran Al-Quran dan As-Sunnah. Insya-Allah. Amin

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Mari Merubah Diri...

Semalam saya berkesempatan menemui rakan lama saya di sebuah Masjid. Dia memang berubah..saya betulkan ayat saya, dia memang BANYAK berubah. Mengenali dia dahulu dan keadaan dia sekarang, saya dapat ungkapkan sebagai peubahan yang sangat ketara. Perwatakan dan kata lisan dia, Alhamdulillah, tidak lekang mengingatkan saya tentang Islam dan Iman. Bukan memuji, tapi saya berbangga yang dia telah 'mentransformasikan' dirinya in total.

Merenung kepada diri saya sendiri, bila agaknya saya akan berubah seperti dia. Berubah kerana orang, belum tentu berhasil. Kalau niat just untuk 'sejukkan' hati orang lain, baik tak payah. Buang karen kata orang. Allah pun dah berpesan, "Dia tidak akan mengubah nasib seseorang itu melainkan orang itu sendiri". Terasa insaf dan memohon Allah tunjukkan jalan kepada perubahan yang hakiki. Amin

Keadaan Memaksa...

Apabila seseorang itu geram, confirm dia bakal mengeluarkan kata-kata nista dari mulutnya. Kadang-kadang tu, tindakan fizikal boleh juga 'terkeluar'. Almaklumlah, terlalu geram. Tapi macamana kita nak tahu if that person is really angry by its word? Sonang by the tu. Dia akan mengakhiri ayatnya dengan tanda 'amaran' (!). Saya baru menerima tanda itu tadi. Dari seorang rakan yang 'geram' kerana tidak dapat bermalam di rumahnya esok hari. Nak buat macamana. Demi tugas dan tanggungjawab, saya diamkan saja tanpa membalas. Insya-Allah dia akan faham. Takut menjejaskan hubungan persahabatan yang terikat sekian lama tapi apa yang boleh saya buat kalau keadaan tidak mengizinkan. Jawabnya, masuk telinga kiri keluar telinga kanan sajalah. Peristiwa ini bakal dibangkitkan dalam agenda 'reunion' mini kami nanti. Wal Allah Hu Alam

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Siapa Bakal Menang?

Malam ni Anugerah Juara Lagu (AJL) kat TV3. Confirm ramai bakal menonton siaran ini. Yang paling penting sekali, siapa akan menang? Antara calon favourite adalah Yuna, Alyah dan Aizat. Apapun, selamat menonton kepada semua